About the project
Age of the pupils: 10 - 14
Used language: English
Duration: 10 months (September 2024 to June 2025)
Educational Goals:
- to learn about the 17 education-related SDGs
- to deepen students' understanding of global challenges
- to improve foreign language skills (English)
- to develop students' and teachers' teamwork and communication skills
- to increase the awareness of the connection between Technology and Sustainability (Tech4Good)
- to learn the use of Web 2.0 and AI tools and develop creativity skills and collaboration through them
- to understand the importance of the ethic use of Artificial Intelligence
- to develop students skills of critical thinking
- to develop the DigComp 2.2 competences
- to develop the GreenComp framework competences, especially:
Area 1. Embodying sustainability values, competence
1.3 Promoting nature;
Area 2. Embracing complexity in sustainability, competence
2.3 Problem framing;
Area 3. Envisioning sustainable futures; competence
3.3 Exploratory thinking;
Area 4. Acting for sustainability; competence
4.2 Collective action and
4.3 Individual initiative

Work process:
September 2024:
- School and teacher introductions.
- Project introduction to students.
- Project eSafety rules.
- Pre-survey for project participants.
- Global Goals Week (20-29 September 2024): Introduction to the 17 SDGs
October 2024 (Project-Based Learning):
- Forum discussion for students (introduce yourself and write down your expectations from this project).
- SDG 4: Collaborative activity (5th of October / World's Teacher Day) - Creating an illustrated ebook with the most important educational challenges and solutions in each partner country.
November 2024 (Socratic Seminars):
- Online meeting for students to meet each other and creation of a Word Cloud with favorite SDGs.
- SDG 16: Collaborative activity (10th of November / World Science Day for Peace and Development) - Creating an illustrated ebook about peace in the world with AI created images and a Word Cloud about peace and justice.
December 2024 (Experiential Learning):
- Exchanging online new year cards.
- SDG 10: Collaborative activity (3rd of December / World Day of the Handicapped) - Creating a Padlet with tools, games or apps to help handicapped people.
January 2025 (Storytelling):
- SDG 3: Collaborative activity (3rd of January / International Mind-Body Wellness Day) - Creating a digital illustrated story about health and well-being in everyday life with the help of AI.
- Online meeting to showcase students' work and play a Kahoot quiz for the 3rd SDG (well-being at school).
February 2025 (Inquiry-Based Learning):
- Safer Internet Day.
- SDG 5: Collaborative activity (11th of February / International Day of Women and Girls in Science) - Creating a collaborative presentation about famous women scientists.
March 2025 (Game-Based Learning):
- International Day for Digital Learning (19 March)
- SDGs 6 and 15: Collaborative activity (3rd of March / World Wildlife Day and 22nd of March / World Water Day) - Creating a digital collection with games about Water and Life on Land (Wakelet, Symbaloo, ...).
April 2025 (Collaborative Learning):
- Earth Day 2025.
- SDG 13: Collaborative activity (22nd of April / World Mother Earth Day) - Creating an Earth Day celebration video with advices on how to tackle Climate Change
- Online meeting for students
May - June 2025 (Flipped classroom):
- SDG 14: Collaborative activity (2nd of May / World Tuna Day) - Creating an online whiteboard full of reflections and solutions for our oceans.
- Evaluation (online survey).
- Final Survey (by comparing the pre-survey and final survey results, we can see our progress on the project).
- Reflection (Padlet).
- Project presentation in schools (pinboard, parent meetings, teacher's council…).
- Dissemination.
Expected results:
- An illustrated ebook with the most important educational challenges and solutions in each partner country: "The importance of quality education worldwide".
- A Word cloud about students' favorite SDGs.
- An illustrated ebook about peace in the world with AI created images and a Word Cloud about peace and justice: "An AI-Driven world with peace and justice".
- A Padlet with tools, games or apps to help handicapped people
- A digital illustrated story about health and well-being in everyday life: "Promoting Good Health and Well-being using AI".
- A Kahoot quiz about the 3rd SDG.
- A collaborative presentation (Google slides) about famous women scientists: "Creative women of the scientific world".
- A digital collection with games about Water and Life on Land (Wakelet, Symbaloo, ...).
- An Earth Day celebration video with advice on how to tackle Climate Change.
- An online collaborative whiteboard full of reflections and solutions for our oceans: "Exploring Life below Water".
- Pre-survey and final survey results.
- Evaluation report.
- Public TwinSpace, Weebly project website.